
The fear of life and the fear of death elude me today….
But there are certain fears that I would conquer someday
Like the fear that things change....
Fear of knowing everything follows equal.
Fear to feel....
Fear of being incapable to feel.
Fear of not knowing what will happen....
Fear of knowing it.
Fear to know that you would return no more.....
Fear someday you would.

Is it true that only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live?


Somewhere in between... said...

Ask me and I'll tell you that fear is good. It is fear that keeps us alive, and retains our humanity, our faith. No fear - and we'd be nothing more than animals.

Jyotsna said...

I had a nany who have instilled fear in me since i was a young infant....she in order to make me eat, sleep or behave well used to project all kinds or fear in me...i would sober down and cry myself to sleep or quietly eat what i was given...Infact i had lost my voice as a child because of the extreme fear that my maid instilled in me, And imagine it still haunts me as a matured person :)still petrified of the police people, ghosts and darkness...and many other things

This note on fear is more inclined towards buddhist context, which aspires people to make themselves fearless but alturistic and human :)